Loma Portal Foundation


YOU are the Foundation

All parents/caregivers of Loma Portal Elementary students are members of the Loma Portal Foundation, automatically, as are all Loma Portal staff. Foundation members are empowered to make decisions that directly impact your child’s school experience by leading or serving on volunteer committees and voting on the Foundation budget. Together we are a vibrant community that works within the Loma Portal community and the larger San Diego community to provide our students the best education possible while also supporting their recreational and social needs.

The Foundation also relies on the generosity and continued support of alumni families, some of whom haven’t been enrolled in school for decades, but still have a place for Loma Portal in their hearts. We love seeing them at events and treasure the connection they have with our school and community.

What We Do

The Loma Portal Foundation provides financial assistance, support and services for the instructional, educational, and recreational needs of our students. We fund academic, athletic, and enrichment programs and equipment, as well as campus enhancements. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we provide an avenue for tax-exempt donations to directly benefit Loma Portal Elementary.

In addition to financial an on-campus support, the Foundation seeks to build community both among our Loma Portal families (past, present, and future), and between our school and the larger Point Loma and San Diego communities.

Why We Need the Foundation

To maintain the culture of excellence that Loma Portal Elementary has fostered since 1914, the Foundation bridges the $335 per student gap that is not covered by our annual district budget. Without the Foundation and the funds we provide, Loma Portal Elementary students would not have a dedicated STEAM teacher and lab, librarian, music program, and garden, among many other enrichment opportunities.

The mission of our vibrant family-oriented school is to inspire ALL students to achieve their optimal potential and to be productive citizens in today's global society. The Loma Portal Foundation works to support the efforts of the staff, students, and families in the pursuit of this mission.